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Sacred Sex

Posted on May 18, 2022 by Royal Shown
Sex is what brought us here.Without sex, you and I will not be here.There's nothing cheap or dirty about sex.It's the attitude towards sex which makes it degrading, sinful,and filthy.Sex can be beautiful and valuable.It fulfills the role of procreation, it might also be a way to perpetrate the most heinous crime.It's important not only to know about our sexuality.We have to acknowledge its significance as a variable for a balanced life...

First Date Sex? Should You?

Posted on April 21, 2022 by Royal Shown
Everybody on TV seems to be tumbling into bed on the first date nowadays, but should you? Absolutely not, and I don't care if you've been celibate since 1996.Here's why:1.Chances are, you've just met the man.You know nothing about him, let alone if he bathes daily, or if he is one of those losers who picks his nose at stoplights.2.My OB/GYN estimates that two out of five people are walking around with Herpes Simplex II...

Little Tip On Premature Ejaculation

Posted on March 11, 2022 by Royal Shown
Curing premature ejaculation can cost some money.You'll need to get a exercising schedule, or hypnosis program, or psychologist sessions, or what ever you need to do.This may not cure your premature ejaculation completely, but it may enable you to last, and help your spouse to come faster.So everybody ought to be happy;-RRB-.This takes a little preparation, and may diminish the love a little for a while, but it's well worth it, is not it...

Have Your Greatest Orgasm - Ever!

Posted on February 25, 2022 by Royal Shown
A single orgasm is usually reached in a matter of minutes or seconds, leaving little time for attending to the individual needs and dreams of the partners involved.Multiple climaxes, by contrast, build gradually, permitting them to address an array of individual desires.A single orgasm, riding the tide of naturally released sleep hormones, depletes a man's energy and sends him into slumber mode.In several climaxes, the longer they last, the more powerful the payoff, yet they still can re-energize mind, soul and body, allowing for more effective after-play and familiarity...

What Turns Them On?

Posted on January 5, 2022 by Royal Shown
Physical desirability is determined in the first ten seconds.You don't need to look like the hottest Hollywood hunk or runway supermodel to be attractive to the opposite sex.By understanding why and how people are drawn to you and employing such strategies you can certainly get them looking your way.Sex signs operate on a subconscious level.That has been passed by are ancestors.Do men perceive attractiveness over character and intelligence? Flowers have beautiful colours to be appealing in a deep forest...